

Our Board
of Directors

Our foundation chose an eclectic group consisting of:
• Retired Veterans
• Veterans representing several branches & eras
• Supporters and Patriots.

David Brown

Chairman - USMC 1982 - 1986

Close Combat Instructor, MP, Security Forces.
Son and Nephew of Veterans
Designer of the new GWOT Remembrance Wall.




Vince Ray III

treasurer - USMC 2000 - 2010

Marine Corps Security Forces Battalion - 1st, 2nd and 3rd FAST Co.
Vet to Peer Therapist and Transitional Counselor
Grandson and Son of USMC Veterans

Jenny Brown

Secretary/Co-treasurer - Patriot

Granddaughter, Daughter, sister, cousin and wife of Veterans

Bri Klungreseter 

member - US Navy 1999 - 2019

Retired Navy - 31 July 2019
CTI First Class (Surface / Air warfare)
Granddaughter, Daughter, Cousin and Wife of Veterans

Geoffrey Rineberg

member - US Army 1981 - 2017

Retired Army - 12 December 2017
Senior Property Book Officer CW4
Grandson, Son, Nephew and Brother of Veterans

George Karibian

Member - USMC 1989 - 1996

0311 E-4 H&S 2/23 STA Platoon
Son and Brother of USMC Veterans

John Klungreseter, Jr

member - us army 1989 - 1996

Private - 93B
Grandson, Son and Nephew of Veteran

John Klungreseter, Sr.

member - US navy 1964 - 1970

E-4 - River Assault Division One Eleven
Mekong Marauders - Purple Heart Combat Vet
Brother and Father of Veterans

Support from our community

Our board members dedicate their time and talents to this endeavor because they believe in the mission and vision. They are all volunteers. All have served in our military or supported their family members that served.